Department of Architecture 

The aim of the Bachelor of Architecture program is to train creative students with professional skills and to foster future architects with basic and professional capabilities. This program, which was established in 2005, covers subjects and skills such as Conceptual Framework, Construction, Graphical Presentation, Architectural Design and Construction Technology. Fostering graduates with creative ideas and visualization skills is the main purpose of the Bachelor of Architecture degree program at the School of Architecture, Urbanism and Islamic Art.

This program typically takes four years to accomplish, of which the first three semesters of the Bachelor of Architecture program covers basic subjects. From the third semester onwards there is an architectural design workshop in each semester. Students will receive the Bachelor of Architecture degree upon submitting and defending their project.

This program focuses on subjects such as: Construction, Architectural Design, Conceptual Framework, Building Design, and Studio.

Head of the Department of Architecture
Hossein Maroufi
Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture 

Academic staff

Akram Hosseini
Assistant Professor
Hamed Kamelnia
Associate Professor
Seyyedeh Fatemeh Mousavinia
Assistant Professor
Parsa Pahlavan
Assistant Professor
Jafar Taheri
Assistant Professor


Recent journal articles

Madani, S., Kamelnia, H. (2024). Assessing user’s satisfaction in innovation centers with industrial heritage renovation. International Journal of Human Capital in Urban Management, (), -.
Mousavinia, S. (2024). Changes in Social Impacts of Industrial Heritage Adaptive Reuse in High-Density Residential Environment: Reciprocal Relations Between Social Cohesion and Perceived Safety. Social Indicators Research, 172 (1), 59-80.
Maroufi, H., & Pahlavan, P. (2024). Feminization of the urban planning discipline: developing a gender responsive pedagogy at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. Planning Practice and Research, 39 (3), 525-546.
Talaei, M. (2024). A review on performance of sustainable microalgae photobioreactor façades technology: exploring challenges and advantages. Architectural Science Review, 67 (5), 387-414.
Hosseini, A. (2024). Typology of Khānqāh Space in the Architecture of the Islamic Period of Īrān Until the Qājār Period. Journal of Islamic Architecture, 8 (2), 545-568.
Talaei, M. (2024). Multi-objective optimization of energy and daylight performance for school envelopes in desert, semi-arid, and mediterranean climates of Iran. Building and Environment, 255 (), 111424--.
Kamelnia, H. (2024). The role of academic performance of universities on sustainability with an emphasis on GreenMetric evaluation components Case study: Iranian universities). Urban Management and Energy Sustainability, (), -.
Talaei, M. (2024). Thermal comfort, daylight, and energy performance of envelope-integrated algae-based bioshading and static shading systems through multi-objective optimization. Journal of Building Engineering, 90 (90), 109435-109435.
Talaei, M. (2024). Synergistic Strategies: Comparing Energy Performance in Climate-Adaptive Building Envelopes for Iran's Cold Semi-Arid Climate. Journal of Daylighting, 11 (2), 181-202.
Hosseini, A. (2024). Empire builders: Tracing the urban footprints of Seljuk women from Khorasan to Anatolia. A|Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture, (), -.
Talaei, M. (2024). Smart Building Skins for Urban Heat Island Mitigation: A Review. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 30 (4), -.
Kamelnia, H. (2024). Assessment of Qualitative Performances of Structures in Architecture, Case Studies: Space Frame Structures in Tehran, Iran. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, (), -.
Kamelnia, H. (2024). Assessing Structural Performance: A Combined Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, (), -.

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Contact Information

Iran, Mashhad, Azadi Square, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Islamic Art, Department of Architecture 

Phone: +985138806822

Fax: +985138807266